We leverage our experience to guide you through the Plan, Design, and Build phases. Being part of the entire process gives us a comprehensive view, allowing us to advise you at each step with your goals in mind. We are sensitive to your needs, whether they involve budget, custom features, or timeline requirements.

If you’ve already completed the planning and design phases, our construction team can still join your project. We offer the same transparent, open-book service for construction only.


Architect/Engineer Consulting

Cost Efficient Structural Designs

Spatial Layout

Permit Submissions


Design Personality Assessment

Material Sourcing (Axe Discounts Applied*)

Finish Selection

Custom Functional Additions


In-house Project Management

Team of Carpenters

Network of Subcontractors

Transparent Pricing


Building projects can be overwhelming. We simplify the process, providing the perfect roadmap and team to bring your vision to life.


Renovating your current home? Building a new home?



Developing boutique apartment complexes? Luxury townhomes?


Frequently Asked Questions

  • We have a fully transparent pricing model where we quite literally open our books to you. As contractors, we receive discount pricing on materials and labor which we fully pass through to you. We make money in one place in our estimate, labeled “GC FEE”, rather than the typical method where a general contractor will up-charge each item or add in hidden fees such as ‘site supervision’ or ‘insurance’ or ‘warranty items’ etc. You pay exactly what we would pay for a personal project, plus one single fee to our company.

  • A construction project is challenging enough without having to wonder if you are overpaying on hidden fees. Our fee is agreed upon early in the project, allowing us to establish a partnership that is solely focused on achieving your goals in the most efficient manner.

  • Functional Issue: The subcontractor is expected to fix at their cost.

    Cosmetic Issue: If a cosmetic item was executed well and with genuine effort, but a client does not like how it looks based on their design preferences, they would be expected to pay to change it. However, if the item does not look good due to a subcontractor being sloppy or careless (rare), then the subcontractor would be asked to fix it at their cost.

  • We offer a 1-year builder’s warranty for items that are functional defects. Individual appliances and trades come with their own warranty as well (roof, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc.). Please note: this warranty does not cover cosmetic client preferences.

  • There’s only one correct answer to this question – it depends! Every deal is so different and carries with it it’s own set of variables, risks and challenges. Ever since we started running our own construction jobs we realized how much variability there is between any two jobs. When we’re looking at a new construction job we create an itemized budget and make it as detailed as possible.